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Information and Updates:

What Exactly Is a Denture?

Posted on 4/10/2018 by Dr. Hallas
Dentures Bay Lakes Center for Complex Dentistry WI 54303-2636If you suffer from missing teeth, one of the options that you have to address this problem is by wearing dentures, which essentially act as a replacement for your missing teeth. Unlike dental crowns or implants which are permanently placed, dentures can be taken out and worn back again.

Dentures are custom fitted to the mouth for the best fit and can either be full or partial depending on your needs. We can only determine which type of dentures would be suitable for you after we check and evaluate your dental condition.

Truth Behind Denture Myths

Most people with missing teeth resort to dentures to bring back their smile, in fact, according to records from the American College of Prosthodontists, roughly 90% of people take this route. Although it is popularly known, it is unfortunate that there are still many people who have misconceptions about dentures.

For one, some who wear dentures think that they can have them for life when in fact they should be replaced after a couple of years. Regular teeth are subject to wear and tear and dentures are the same. The structure of the mouth and jawbones also change, which makes denture replacement inevitable.

Another problematic myth about having a denture is that you are set for life, meaning no more trips to our dental office. This is wrong on many accounts. First and foremost, paying us a visit regularly is a must do to maintain good dental and oral health.

You can brush, floss, and do every oral care regimen to the dot but its benefits can only extend so much. Ultimately, you will be bound to experience a dental issue that only our expertise can address.

Having dentures, no matter how expensive it is, cannot give you a lifetime immunity against oral problems. Get in touch with us today to know more information about dentures and your other oral health concerns.


(920) 278-7678


Monday - Friday
8:00AM - 5:00PM
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